Sept. 12 - Sept. 20, 2020 | PMS Clan Twitch & PMS Clan Discord
Join us on our Twitch chat for our PAX Online Watch Parties!

PAX has gone digital! The people responsible for PAX West, PAX Australia, and EGX have worked together to bring us PAX Online. This includes 24/7 stream of content, events, discussions, and gameplay. Visit PAX Online to get the full schedule of streams and other events.
PMS Clan will be hosting watch parties for various streams from PAX Online through our Twitch channel. During our watch parties, we’ll have discussions about the topic, some mini activities, polls and more.
On our Discord server, we will talk about all other PAX Online events, including gameplay and playthroughs.
Check out our watch party schedule to see when we'll be streaming and who will be hosting each party. Also, join our Discord to chat about the other stuff happening on PAX Online!
PMS Clan PAX Online Watch Party Schedule
Build Your Guild: Make and Support Friends in Gaming
9/12/2020 | 8 PM-9 PM ET | Host: Ovaryacting /RaylaDevine
Making a Difference with Playing Video Games in the Hospital
9/13/2020 | 2:45 PM-3:45 PM ET
Welcome Home: The Power of Playful Communities 9/13/2020 | 6:15 PM-7:15 PM ET | Host: Ovaryacting
Mission: Diversity and Inclusion Within Geek Culture
9/14/2020 | 6:15 PM-7:15 PM ET | Host: PMS Euphie
Small Streamers: The Road From 1,000 to 1,000,000
9/15/2020 | 10 PM-11 PM ET | Host: H2O HappyDude
You Don't Look Queer: Queer Women in Esports
9/16/2020 | 10 PM-11 PM ET
Therapeutic Video Games for Self Care
9/17/2020 | 5 PM-6 PM ET | Host: Ovaryacting
Uncovering Black Women's Voices in Esports
9/18/2020 | 7:45 PM-8:45 PM ET
Queer Quests: the Online Edition!
9/18/2020 | 8:45 PM-9:45 PM ET
Growth as Esports: Navigating the Space as Women
9/19/2020 | 6:30 PM-7:30 PM ET | Host: Athena PMS